Man Who Played Batman In 60s TV Series Dies

Adam West dies in the US aged 88

10 June 2017

By ABC Television - eBayfrontback, Public Domain

Some sad news today.  The American Actor who played batman in the 60's TV series has died, aged 88.

Adam West also voiced the nutty Mayor, AKA Adam West, in the Family Guy series.

His family posted on Facebook that he lost his fight against leukemia.

West is survived by his wife Marcelle, six children, five grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.

His kids said in a statement "our dad always saw himself as The Bright Knight, and aspired to make a positive impact on his fans' lives. He was and always will be our hero".

West also featured in episodes of 'Bonanza,” ″Perry Mason” and “Bewitched," the "Simpsons" and animated versions of "Batman".

West wrote two books, one, titled Back to the Batcave and published in the mid-1990s.