Major Flooding Threatens New South Wales' Central West

Evacuation orders are likely

15 November 2021

Triple M Newsroom

The Lachlan River has passed 10.7 metres. Credit: Brendan Mansbridge

Recent heavy rainfall in New South Wales’ central west has raised flooding concerns, particularly in the town of Forbes, 350km west of Sydney. 

Experts predict the Lachlan River will flood, with conditions predicted to be just as bad or worse than the ones seen in 2016. 

SES Chief Superintendent Greg Swindles says, as a result, there is an evacuation warning for around eight hundred homes in the Forbes area.

“We are assessing and working closely with the Bureau in regards to predictions. That may escalate to an evacuation order. When that does occur forewarning will be given to those residents and have clear instructions as to what’s required for them to do,” he said.

The BOM Team Leader for National Flood Operations, Justin Robinson, said Nanami’s current flood levels are higher than the Lachlan River’s 10.7-meter level recorded in September 2016. This time around, the Lachlan River is expected to hit 12.4 meters tomorrow morning. 

Flood levels in Forbes could even surpass the 2016 record. Robinson described it as a “slow-moving evolving event”, urging Cowra, Nanami and Forbes residents to keep a close eye on level rises and forecasts over the coming days with the peak rise expected for late Tuesday and Wednesday. 

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