LISTEN | Kennedy Molloy Figures Out The Difference Between 'Laurel' And 'Yanny'

This clears it up!

16 May 2018

Ethan Meldrum

Image: Getty

It's a piece of audio that has divided the Internet. Do you hear Laurel or Yanny?

We've played around with the frequencies - play this clip to clear everything up!


Jane had to bring the audio to the table a little snippet of audio that's divided a lot of people, all unsure as to what the audio actually is.

"Some people hear one word and some people call another," Jane said.

"I reckon when I just heard that then through my headphones it was completely different - one hundred per cent different - to what I've been hearing in the office all day."

"You know why?" Mick said. "Because you're a fruit loop!"

So - what word do you normally hear? Play the audio below and jump on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and let us know!