KITTEN YOGA - need I say more?

Sunday 16 June

14 June 2019

Sean Lindsay

This Sunday at Twilight Yoga a meditation and fun flow lesson will be given with a special twist...

Among the yogies will be a roomful of adorable, little kittens!

Kitten Yoga is a fundraiser for the SAFE group, a not-for-profit organisation that works tirelessly with puppies and kittens to find their forever home.

The concept is simple, continue your yoga practice or try it for the first time in the warm comfort of Twilight Yoga studio with a whole bunch of tiny, baby cats. 

The lesson is happening this Sunday, 16 June, with the first class from 11am ALREADY SOLD OUT! Olivia has already organised a second hour long session from midday for you to sign up to, but get in quick, mat places are limited. $20 for a placement... with all proceeds going to SAFE Esperance.

Sean caught up with the Yoga Instructor running this special event on the Sean for Breakfast Show at about 8 minutes in the following audio

Contact Twilight Yoga for more details. 

Just make sure you don't pull out any downward dogs to upset the kitty's!