Judge Juddy Gets Fired Right Up At Harry Taylor

Three votes!

27 May 2017

(Image: Getty)

Chris Judd got properly fired up on the Friday Huddle, smashing Harry Taylor in his Judge Juddy segment.

"Three votes this week goes to Harry Taylor," he said.

"He had some disturbing things to say on Triple M when he revealed the Gatorade showers were a thing of the past down there at Geelong.

"They were a thing of the past because someone's gotta clean it up, he said.

"In recent years down there in the city of Geelong, they've had closures at the Ford factory, the Alcoa smelter, Shell's refinery, thousands of jobs have been gone.

"Now Chainsaw Harry Taylor wants to cut more jobs!

"There's young players down at Geelong that are too scared to get too many kicks during the game because someone's going to have to clean their boots!"

Fired right up!

Listen to Judge Juddy: