Jon Bon Jovi Announces Caribbean Cruise, With Entertainment From A Bon Jovi Cover Band

Family holiday sorted

26 March 2019

Cassie Walker

The one and only Jon Bon Jovi is jumping ship from his Bon Jovi duties this April to cruise the Caribbean sea with 2000 fans and a bunch of live bands.

The rock singer has just announced the Runaway To Paradise cruise, that includes 4 days of live music including the Bon Jovi cover band, Slippery When Wet, rock DJs, a Jon Bon Jovi museum and a Q&A from the man himself.

The cruise will take fans from Miami, through the Caribbean with some slippery stop offs to whet your appetite of island living.

If you get seasick they'll have some bad medicine you help you with the rough seas. 

You'll be sure to Have A Nice Day or four, sailing with the Bon Jovi singer.

A once in a lifetime experience to get up close and personal with the rock god is sure to sell out

Check it out here