Jay & Dave Talk World Suicide Prevention Day In An Emotional Interview With Damian Eales

How are you taking part in the day?

5 September 2018

Frazer Consultants

Monday 10th September marks this year’s World Suicide Prevention Day, with R U OK? Day following on the 13th.

This morning Jay & Dave spoke to Damian Eales, a father whose son took his own life.

Damian encouraged listeners to “have that conversation” with loved ones who may be dealing with suicidal thoughts, to let them know you want to support and help.

"If we can help save just one person, that's what we want to do... It's a terrible state of affairs that every day about 8 Australians lose the battle and take their own life... If there was that many people dying on the roads there'd be a national outcry, but for some reason this is just put on the back burner." Damian Eales

Suicide Prevention Australia CEO Nieves Murray said that World Suicide Prevention Day is an opportunity "to honour loved ones who've died by suicide. To understand that we all have a role in preventing suicide. To start and continue conversations that matter".

Events will kick off from 10am Sunday at Blue Water Quay, River Street, Mackay with a memory wall to leave notes for loved ones and speakers, as an opportunity for the community to draw strength and support from each other.

Listen to the boys chat with Damian below