It's Get Ready Queensland Week! How Are You Preparing?

Resources you can use this season

8 October 2018

Rockhampton Regional Council

Summer is almost here, which means it's time to get ready for the storm and bushfire seasons! 

Get Ready Queensland is a campaign that aims to help you become disaster resilient through the way we, as a state, deal with extreme weather and natural disasters.

Rockhampton Regional Council have been working on a number of projects, including warning signage, an online Emergency Dashboard tool, and more.

In addition to these improvements, Chair of the Local Disaster Management Committee, Councillor Tony Williams, encouraged residents to prepare in their own ways.

As always at this time of year, it’s very important that residents are thinking about their own preparations too. Is there rubbish you could remove from your garden? Are your drainpipes clear? Do you know how to monitor local weather warnings? Who would you go and stay with if you had to leave at short notice? These are all things that can reduce the impact of natural disasters if they hit.

- Tony Williams

Let us know how you're preparing for the storm and bushfire season!