"I Was Pick-Pocketed By A Billionaire": Bill From Gladstone Shares His Best Yarn

One to watch out for!

22 March 2022


Here’s one Billionaire to watch out for!

Ab & Elliot are on the hunt for a 10-out-of-10 yarn - and Bill from Gladstone's story about meeting Richard Branson on a night out in Brisbane could be just the ticket.

“I was on a date in Brisbane - the big smoke." he told them. "I was walking past a bar there called the Stock Exchange. I was walking with this girl, and I see this guy out the from t- a famous guy, he was in the news a lot at the time. I yell out to him... he looks at me, he introduces himself and drags me into the bar…”

Completely leaving his date behind, what followed was pretty exciting, until Bill clocked something was missing - his watch. 

Take a listen:

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