HOW TO: Handle The Heatwave

Your step-by-step guide

26 November 2018

Ebony Reeves

Brace yourselves, because a massive heatwave is spreading across Queensland this week!

The Bureau of Meteorology Queensland has a heatwave service for recording and predicting heatwaves across the state, ending the week with:

An area of severe to extreme heatwave conditions across northern and central Queensland, with low intensity conditions extending over much of the remainder of northern Queensland.

- BOM Queensland

Cairns and Mackay have already recorded their hottest November on record yesterday, with 37.8C around Mackay airport.

A Queensland Health spokesperson has urged Queenslanders to take precautions against dehydration and other heat-related conditions, and to be aware of related symptoms including high body temps, headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, dry skin, and fainting. If serious symptoms are evident, residents are encouraged to seek emergency treatment.

There’s also other dangers to be aware of through the heatwave, like metal seatbelts that turn into branding irons under the sun, jellyfish, and unattractive tan lines.

The good news is that there are plenty of ways to combat the heat. Our top suggestions include:

  • Drinking LOTS of water
  • Staying indoors when possible (can’t get enough of that aircon!)
  • Wearing a wet bandana around your neck
  • Swimming or taking cool showers
  • ICE CREAM and LOTS of it! (Zooper Doopers are, of course, an appropriate alternative for the dairy intolerant)

And of course, you can’t overemphasise the Slip, Slop, Slap method…

As far as shark season goes, we unfortunately don’t have a lot of tips, although Underwater Australasia suggests that “the easiest and surest way [to avoid sharks] would be to stay out of the water”… simple but effective. The Baby Shark song (doo doo doo doo) is also known to scare away sharks, although this is yet to be scientifically proven. For more tips on shark-handling, we recommend consulting Mick Fanning.

Be sure to let us know your HOT tips for handling the heat in the Facebook comments!