Home Alone... With Blood

Don't show the kids

6 January 2017

Dan The Internut

Let’s be frank here. We know the two bad guys from Home Alone, Harry and Marv, should have suffered a lot more from injuries inflicted by little Macaulay Culkin in the Home Alone film. A huge plumbing pipe dropped from a great height (three storeys in fact) should create just a little bit of blood and bone breakage, right?

Right! But there’s no chance the film would get away with a PG rating if reality got stuck in the way of telling a story, would it?

Youtuber BitMassive, obviously a video guru, obviously felt that blood and gore should accompany the horrific injuries and as such, re-created scenes from Home Alone, with blood.

May we present this classic scene.

And this one.

Probably best not to show the kids.