Here's How To Check What Apps Have Access To Your Facebook Data

You'll be surprised.

5 April 2018

As fall-out continues with the Facebook data leak, it has been revealed that there is now a simple way to see what third parties have access to your data.

By clicking on Settings > Apps you can see what 'vampire apps' are logged in with Facebook, and you may be in for a bit of a blast from the past with apps such as Farmville on the list.

Deleting apps that you no longer want - such as random WiFi networks abroad and obscure online shopping binges - will mean that you have more control over the number of third parties who can see your personal information.

Removing is as simple as checking the box of apps you want to delete and clicking 'remove'.

This will delete all posts and videos on Facebook that these apps may have published on your behalf, and can delete your account on these third party apps.