Here's A Feel Good Story For Your Monday Arvo: Roo & Ditts Lend A Hand

"he was in ICU for a good month"

27 March 2017

Roo and Ditts heard from Keegan who shared her touching story about her uncle. 

Six years ago, Keegan’s uncle was involved in a serious motor vehicle accident, “he was in ICU for a good month and two of them weeks he was in a coma.”

Keegan continues to say, “we weren’t sure of the outcome - and he ended up a paraplegic and also with a brain injury.”

Keegan is currently living with her partner and looking after her uncle. She describes the situation to be “tough, there’s been many steps forward, but a few steps back as well, as with these situations, but mostly good.”

Roo and Ditts found out Keegan’s uncle was a devoted Midnight Oil fan. Keegan says “he has every album, he has all the paper cut-outs of their upcoming tour.” She also reveals “he used to tap along to Midnight Oil, in his coma.”

Keegan says it would be her uncles dream to go to the sold-out tour of Midnight Oil at Adelaide Oval in October.

Ditts announced “Keegan, we’ve got a couple of tickets for you, that would be our absolute pleasure.”

Roo: “You deserve a pat on the back for thinking of your uncle, Keegan.”

Ditts, agreeing with Roo, presented Keegan with a voucher from Karren’s Jeweller.

- Brad Saegenschnitter