Here's a List Of The Top 10 Hilariously Weird Xbox DM's Ever...

You're welcome!

17 April 2020

Georgie Marr

Psych Central

If you're an avid Xbox user, you'd already know that Xbox Live can be the ultimate source of entertainment. From angry adolescents to Dad's taking some time away from the kids, everyone loves a sneaky online game every now and then. 

This being said, users have the ability to slide into each others direct messages, there's bound to be some absolutely outrageous banter out there, especially when you're throwing adults & teenagers together for a late night game of Fortnite. 

Below, for your entertainment, we have gone ahead and thrown together a list of the top 10 most hilarious DM's exchanged between nerds (ughhhum, I mean... players), courtesy of r/nocontextboxmessages. 

Grab the pop corn, sit back & enjoy this absolute blessing of a feed... 

1. Sorry, didn't see your message

2. The classic 'Toe-eyed cabbage" insult 

3. The Capricious 7 Year-Old

4. The Betrayal 

5. The Creative Creep 

6. The Disappointment 

7.  Bill Gates, come get your kid 

8. The foot fetish 

9. The chef 

10. The considerate one

So, there you have it! I hope this helped to fill some of your time in isolation with absolute Xbox gold. Happy gaming!

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