Rotary club of Esperance hosting a HEAD SHAVING EVENT this Saturday!

raising money for the aged care facility

20 February 2019

Sean Lindsay

A fun day ahead this Saturday (23 Feb) at the Post Office square as nine (unlucky) people have their heads shaved for a good cause. 

The event starts at 1130 am with each participant eager to go under the clippers to raise money for the Esperance Age Care Facility. 

The Rotary Club of Esperance are organising and running the event, get down there this Saturday, donate a dollar or two to a worthy cause and support those soon-to-be bald humans!

And no, there will NOT be a shaven Sean for Breakfast chest (which was the case last year, see the photo above). It's only just grown back and Sean needs his growth to keep him warm come the harsh Esperance Winter!