Have You Booked In For Your Routine Mammogram?

Calling all women aged 50-74!

8 May 2019

Jessica Ambler

Women aged 50-74 in Leeton are encouraged to book in for a free mammogram.

The BreastScreen NSW van will be hitting up Leeton from Monday 8th July until Friday 26th July, there's plenty of time so no excuses! 

If you are noticing any changes or symptoms like a lump or nipple discharge, do yourself a favour and book an appointment with your GP to get checked out. If nothing at all, you'll get some peace of mind. 

The scan is an important early detection step, with a whopping one in nine NSW women at risk of developing breast cancer throughout their lifetime. 

To book an appointment or for more information, phone 13 20 50 or click HERE

Look after your girls!