Have A Roof Over Your Head?

Count Yourself As Lucky

8 August 2017

Cliff Reeve

If you are sitting in your air conditioned office or perhaps reading this while you lounge in front of the TV and a comfy fire on this winter night, count yourself as lucky.

It's NOT a time to be out in the elements, if fact the next few days and nights will see a real blast of winter and some people will be spending their time outside in it.

Maybe they will be able to find a friend's couch, but what about the kids, and some will actually be sleeping, with the kids, in their car or even in the change rooms at the runners club.

This is National Homelessness Week and according to the Salvos in Bunbury, up to 100 people could be sleeping rough or bunking somewhere most of us will never have to even think about.

Yes, there are homeless people in Bunbury and the SW, you may not believe it but it's been happening for ages and it seems it's getting worse.

These are not all people who fit the stereotype, they are local people who for one reason or another find themselves on the margins of society.

So in the words of Bono, from We Are The World, 'tonight thank God it's them instead of you"

Something to ponder.
