Guy Becomes Internet's New Hero After Fighting Off Would-Be Robbers With A Big Ol' Bong

Caught on CCTV

12 September 2018


A bloke in Canada has come to the world's attention after fighting off a group of would-be robbers with a big glass bong.

Local cops confirmed that the unnamed man was working at a recreational weed shop last Thursday when four masked thieves stormed through the front door spraying bear mace.

While the concept of bear mace is probably more familiar to Canadians/ countries with bears, all we need to know is that it's similar to pepper spray and burns like being outside on an overcast afternoon in January without any sunscreen.

CCTV footage from the shop shows the guy barely reacting to a face full of stinging liquid, instead coming straight out from behind the counter brandishing the bong.

Check it out; the action kicks off from about 0.50 in.

Possibly the best part of the whole attempted attack is when one of the attackers tries to throw a large blue container at the bong dude, at which point he lets his "weapon" drop to one side, shrugs and rather reasonably asks, "What are you doing?!"

Tyendinaga Police described the employee as providing "great resistance" and have launched an investigation into the incident.