Football Player Posts On Instagram From Isolation, Accidentally Shows He's Watching Pornhub

Netflix and (too much) chill

2 April 2020

Matt Bellotti

Football players across the world are trying to keep up their training routines despite social distancing and isolation. Some are finding it easier than others. And some need to... ahem... blow off some steam.

Introducing Timm Klose, defender for Norwich City Football Club in the EPL. 

Timmy, probably after a long, tough day lifting dumb-bells or pumping iron (use your imagination), updated his social media followers on what he's been watching on Netflix. Thoughtful of him. 

However, what he hadn't thought to do was close his recently-used browsers, so very visibly on his Instagram Story was a tab open on Pornhub. 

Pornhub, apparently, is an online adult content site with, allegedly, pornographic-based video-type experiences for the gentlemen (or lady) at leisure, so we're told. Ahem.

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