Footage Shows Scary Moment Typhoon Hits


6 September 2017

Natalie Shoebridge


Incredible footage has emerged of the typhoon which hit Hong Kong recently, with waves crashing onto the roads and lashing the sides of buildings.

Ky Nguyen, 24, and a friend took the videos below during Typhoon Hato at the end of August in China, which claimed the lives of 16 people.

"This happened just after it was announced that there was a signal ten typhoon in Hong Kong," Nguyen told Triple M.

"It went from 6pm one evening and through the whole of the next day."

The disaster saw airports closed and hotels swamped with people desperate for accommodation for the night.

Food was also difficult to come by, with Nguyen describing having to wander the streets during the typhoon to find food and accommodation.

"People were outside with umbrellas. The umbrellas were blowing away and the people were blowing away with them," he said.

"Nothing was open. I had to walk forever to find something to eat, so I stocked up and bought several meals in case the weather got worse.

"Even the hotels had no food to offer."