Extra Flights for Mt Gambier

Regional Express

29 April 2020

Ewan Grant


Member for Barker Tony Pasin has welcomed the agreement that has been reached between Regional Express and the Federal and State Governments.


The resolution means three return flights a week will take place between Adelaide and Mount Gambier with two return flights a week between Melbourne and Mount Gambier.


Mr Pasin said after helping to negotiating the agreement he was thrilled that these important services could remain during the economic downturn.


“Having access to regular flights between Mount Gambier and Adelaide and Mount Gambier and Melbourne is vital for our community. One flight a week wasn’t going to cut it and so I campaigned to ensure a better level of service during this difficult time and I am pleased what I have been fighting for is now a reality,” Mr Pasin said.


Mr Pasin said while the schedules were still to be finalised he was advocating for flights to take place on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.


“Air services are of critical importance particularly to regional communities. Whilst we have seen the impact the COVID-19 crisis has had on all carriers I am hopeful that this support package will not only assist local commuters but also provide the lifeline Rex needs to ensure they are able to bounce back and continue servicing our community once life returns to normal.” said Mr Pasin