Ex-Big Brother Star Tully Smyth Shares Her Thoughts On Big Brother & Reveals She'd Do It Again

So many differences!

25 June 2020

Amber Lowther

This morning on the show, Pablo chatted to 2014 Big Brother contestant, Tully Smyth, who gave her thoughts on the new season.

I think we can all agree that this season is unlike any season we've seen before, and Tully agreed! It's like a mix of a few different shows disguised as Big Brother.

Tully spoke about the differences between her season and the new one and how hard it is to deal with water restrictions and more. But also, she revealed to Pablo that she would do it again, given the opportunity!

Plus Tully reveals a surprise revelation at the end of the interview about watching her season of BB!

Missed the chat? Here's what Tully had to say about the new Big Brother format: