Esperance Special Council Meeting - brief summary

From the Shire CEO to the Jetty

21 February 2018

A Special Council Meeting was help last night by the Esperance Shire Council to discuss and move on several important Esperance issues raised at the Esperance Annual Electors Meeting on January 30, ranging from a review of the current Shire CEO Matthew Scott, to the tender opportunity to repair the Esperance Jetty. Five motions were deliberated on, three motions were set aside for further review and two were declined. 

The motions are as follows:

Motion One - Review of the Esperance Shire CEO

A review of the Shire CEO will be conducted as soon as possible by an independent and impartial facilitator. 

Motion Two - The Esperance Tip relocation

A decision on whether or not Lot 12 Kirwan Road would be the location of a new 'Modern Waste Management Facility' or tip, was deferred until after a study from the Environmental Protection Authority was completed. The Shire would continue with the Environmental Feasibility study despite strong protests from the Esperance Merivale Tip Action Group (EMTAG) and other concerned community members who wanted to abandon the Kirwan Road site and look for a more appropriate site. 

Motion Three - Proposed Nickel Sulphate Mine Feasibility Study

Concerns for the proposed Nickel Sulphate Mine Development within the RAMSAR wetlands and Lake Warden would not be pursued by the Shire. The Esperance Shire does not have the power to implement any sort of Environmental study, as it falls under State Government Planning jurisdiction. 

Motion Four - Current Esperance Tanker Jetty Conservation (DENIED)

It's probably the biggest issue around town, and the one that really gets the passions boiling. The Save The Jetty group are adamant they don't want ANY part of the existing jetty demolished. The Shire Council however will remain on their current path, following the advice of the Heritage Council to develop a replacement jetty design under the supervision of a Heritage Architect. The Shire are currently searching for tenders for a new jetty design which fits the Heritage stipulations and falls within budget.

Motion Five - Cap the Cost of Treated Water (DENIED)

The Shire will consider a subsidy to the Eastern Suburbs Water Charge and encourage local sporting clubs to apply for a Community Grants Program grant, to help fund an investigation into reviewing the irrigation system at ground or fields (or in the case of the Esperance Golf Club, of the course).