The Latest Scam Trying To Trick Esperance Residents

Posing as your internet provider

7 November 2019

Sean Lindsay

There is a scam doing the rounds across Esperance that is trying to extract your bank and credit card details.

So far this year, Australian’s have lost almost $50 million to scammers and with technology developing at an exponential rate, it is difficult for authorities to uncover and therefore thwart scams.

The latest scam in Esperance involves someone (reports anecdotally indicate this person may be foreign with an accent from Asia) claiming they are a representative from your internet provider, and they are willing to upgrade your NBN. This will appear legit until they ask for additional details including your bank and credit card details.

Kaaron from Pink Lake Butchers received a phone call from a scammer…

This is when alarm bells should be ringing, and you should immediately say goodbye and hang up the phone.

First, your provider should already know your details and there’s no way you should be sharing that sort of information over the phone with an insecure line of communication.

Secondly note the call will be from a foreign number and this will be obvious given the area code is not an Australia one (+61). In Esperance, reports are that scammers have been calling from British phone numbers.

Be aware, be vigilant and for heavens sake DO NOT give your details to someone who has cold called you because odds are, it’s a scam and your bank account will join the other $50 million dollars that has been lose this year.