Englands Road Roundabout Raised in Parliament

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18 October 2018

Safety concerns at the Englands Road Roundabout has been raised in NSW parliament.

Member for Coffs Harbour, Andrew Fraser spoke about the issue on Thursday.

The State MP is calling for the RMS and Coffs Harbour City Council to act before lives are lost.

It follows another truck rollover at the location on the Pacific Highway on Wednesday night.

While various factors include speed, and road conditions, overgrown vegetation that blocks sight of the road alignment ahead is also an issue.

Mr Fraser said, “The easy solution in the short term is to get rid of the vegetation”. 

“The trees totally block from the north, south, east and west proper vision on this roundabout”.

Mr Fraser has written to both RMS and the Council to get action.

“Whilst RMS has regulations in relation to vegetation on the roundabout, it is up to the council to maintain the vegetation and ensure it meets the regulations”, he said.