END OF AN ERA: Keith Rhoades Will Not Contest Election

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24 June 2021

Long serving Coffs Harbour City Councillor Keith Rhoades has announced that he will not be contesting the upcoming Local Government Elections in September this year.

Cr Rhoades was first elected to Coffs Harbour City Council in 1991, making him the longest serving Councillor ever elected to Coffs Harbour City Council.

He held the role of Deputy Mayor in 2000, and was then elected Mayor in 2004 serving in that position until 2012.

During his 30 years of service he was involved in thousands of decision making recommendations including the upgrade of Coffs Harbour Airport in 1993, where the facility is now recognised as one of the best in Regional Australia.

As far as achievements during his service, the construction of the Coffs Harbour International Sports Stadium now known as CEX International Stadium is by far his favourite.

Speaking first on Triple M on Friday, Cr Rhoades told Moffee he would see planes leave Coffs for sporting events with full wallets, and wanted to find a way to reverse that.

“It’s a great economic driver, and still will be”, he said. “Who would’ve ever thought that a professional performer like Elton John would play an outdoor show at Coffs Harbour”.

But no one Councillor can achieve results without the support of the majority of their fellow Councillors.  "I found it easier to work with colleagues on common sense projects and this made the decision making process easier. But there was opposition along the way to most issues and I respected that, Cr Rhoades said"

The support of his family is something that Keith Rhoades also acknowledges, “my biggest accolade goes to my wife Trish and my family for all their support over my time as a Councillor. I could have not done it without them”, Cr Rhoades said.