Ed Cracked It Over Sydney Influence Creeping Into Melbourne’s Ads This Morning

On the Hot Breakfast

14 July 2020

Triple M Staff

Image: YouTube/Uber Eats

Eddie McGuire is the biggest lover of Melbourne that exists, and he can’t cop it whenever any kind of Sydney influence creeps in.

So when he heard an ad that called schnitzels “schnitties” on the Hot Breakfast this morning, he wasn’t happy!


The ad mentioned schnitzels, but called them “snitties”, and Ed couldn’t cop it.

“I have to be vigilant on this,” he said.

“They’re trying to take over.

“It’s a schnitzel, a snitz.”

Luke Darcy agreed.

“Might go a snitz,” he said.

“And spelt S-N-I-T-Z.”

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