Dream or nightmare?! A TV series of Baby Shark could be coming to a screen near you.


8 June 2019

We love to hate it, but it's got our kiddies hooked! 

News has broken there could be a TV series of Baby Shark coming to a household near you. 

Nickelodeon and Smart Study are set to develop a series together on the hit You Tube song very soon which was first released by South Korean educational brand Pinkfong.  

According to USA Today, the song failed to make a splash the first time it was released but thanks to a hashtag and a viral dance challenge in 2018... and now well, here we are. 

Nickelodeon won't say much, other than their teams are working fast to bring it to us. 

All we can say is... baby shark do do do do do do... it's stuck in our heads already.