Dozens Of Lightning Strikes For North Queensland Overnight, How You Can Track Them All

There's more expected

17 January 2020

Triple M Townsville

You can’t blame us Townsville locals for not jumping at the smallest sound of thunder, it doesn’t happen often and usually it’s just the neighbour’s wheelie bin.

On Thursday though, once it got louder and lightning started to flash, we knew it was an actual storm and not just old mate putting his recycling out.

Infact, dozens of lightning strikes were recorded across our region during the storm, with more expected this weekend.

Townsville and Ayr have possible storms on the cards for the rest of Friday, before the chance of showers on Saturday.

Ingham and Bowen both have the chance of possible storms for the remainder of today and Saturday.

If you want to track more strikes, check out this website.

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