
25 June 2020

Ewan Grant

The District Council of Grant have awarded the 2020 round of academic scholarships to eligible students who reside in the District Council of Grant area.

Operating since 2010, the program gifts $500 academic scholarships to year 10 to 12 students who reside in the Council area. Over the past 10 years 50 scholarships have been awarded helping out local students with purchasing books, equipment and resources to support their education.

Successful recipients demonstrate high level academic achievement, commitment and attitude and have an exemplary attendance record. Students adhere to the schools code of conduct and the schools vision and values; with a commitment to school activities including extra-curricular activities. Students should also aspire to completing the South Australian Certificate of Education, and further education.

The 2020 academic scholarship recipients are Gavin Millard of Allendale East Area School, Manon Finch of Grant High School, Nicola Bowditch of Mount Gambier High School, Kristy Sneath of St Martins Lutheran College, and Joel Duncan of Tenison Woods College.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions a representative from the District Council of Grant was unable to attend the schools and colleges to present the students with their awards, however, Mayor Richard Sage wrote a personal letter of congratulations to each student.

The District Council of Grant congratulates these successful and dedicated students.

Information regarding the 2021 District Council of Grant Academic scholarships will be sent to high schools during February 2021.