Discussing The 2022 Budget With Assoc Professor Of Finance Peter Philips

What does it mean?

30 March 2022

The 2022 Budget has arrived and there's been plentiful speculation as to what it will mean for Australians of all regions!

With the drastic rise in fuel prices and everyday items, a key focus of this year's budget was to reduce the cost of living.

Associate Professor of Finance and Banking, Peter Philips joined the show, explaining to Nik what it all means! 

"We got a few goodies in there," Peter said. "We got the excise tax on fuel, that's going to be cut... They'll cut that in half, roughly speaking, for the next six months."

Peter equated how much we'll save with the fuel excise tax, and why the Budget's arrival may prove to be only a "short-term" fix.