Dickhead Chicken Answers Age-Old Question, Crosses Road To Destroy Freshly Concreted Footpath


10 September 2018

Viral Hog/ Twitter

A dickhead chicken has answered the age-old question - no, not that one, the other one - and crossed the road to destroy a section of freshly concreted footpath.

In a video filmed last month in Mooroolbark, Victoria, the chook takes a straight run across the wet concrete before doing a whole heap of loop-the-loops as it attempts to evade capture.

Rather than get shirty about their handywork being destroyed, the tradies instead pulled out their phones, providing us with this absolute gem.

And he seemed pretty keen to hang around; Amir Abd, who filmed the footage, later explained that the hen eventually turned its attention to their picket caps.

"We were working away in a busy suburban area when I look up to find nothing but a chicken walking through all our freshly paved work," he told Unilad

"We bullfloated the concrete and [the] chicken got distracted by the yellow star picket caps and pecked at them for the rest of the job.

"Around 3, he disappeared into someone's front yard."

But only until the next day; according to Amir, the bird came straight back to work the following morning, prompting them to "put caps everywhere, all over the dry concrete" to deter him from getting too dirty.

Someone get that chook a hi-vis.