Der dm, Der dm, Der dm

I REALLY Hope They Are Wrong

14 February 2018

Cliff Reeve

For decades I have loved the beach, however despite realizing some summers ago that I've developed a totally irrational fear of the water my worry persists every time I go to the beach. And that has not happened much at all in the last few years.

I used to love jumping in and spending ages in the water, I even finished the whole Busselton Jetty Swim a few years ago, this current summer, not so much.


Everytime I visit all I hear that cello in my head. Der dm, Der dm

I know it's ridiculous, you have far greater danger on the roads travelling to and from the beach than being bitten by a bloody great big Noah, but I say "so there is a CHANCE!"

Now this. New research from the CSIRO suggests number of great white sharks off Australia’s south-western coast could be greater than 10,000, more of the predators in local waters than previously thought.

Read it again, 10,000 !!!!!!!!!!!

I don't agree with a cull, as some have discussed again on the back of this, so I reckon I might just stay out of their way.

10,000 !?! Seriously, I think my tan will be worked on in the back yard.