David Galloway From Rural Financial Counselling Service Outlines The Support Available To Drought Affected Farmers

Catch up with Poppy & Leigh

12 November 2019

Ebony Reeves


This morning Poppy and Leigh spoke to David Galloway from the Rural Financial Counselling Service (RFCS) following the Government's announcement of further funding for drought assistance. 

Mr Galloway explained what the funding includes and why it's so vital, as well as what the not-for-profit organisation RFCS offers to farmers. 

"At the moment 99.4% of NSW is drought declared, and the drought is what's called a prolonged drought, so it's been going for over 24 months. What that means is that the effects of the drought now start to filter down into local communities and local businesses. So it's one of the longest droughts and most severe droughts we've had in history."

- David Galloway

Find out more in the catch up below...