Dan & Leigh Talk Cyber Safety Following Momo Challenge Hoax

How to protect your children

4 March 2019

Ebony Reeves

With over 400 videos uploaded to YouTube every minute, it's getting harder to protect children from online threats, which is why Dan & Leigh spoke to Australian eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant this morning about kid's cyber safety.

Ms Inman Grant responded to the viral Internet hoax 'Momo Challenge' which circulated through popular media, inducing fear into parents around the globe, assuring - 

"Of course we want to be concerned whenever young people are exposed to content that scares them or plays on their emotions."

- - Julie Inman Grant

Despite the widespread panic following Momo's exposure, Ms Inman Grant said that only "a handful of complaints" were made to their office in regards to videos and websites that allegedly contained the challenge. 

Find out more about the viral scare and how you can keep your children safe on the Internet in the full chat below.