Dads-To-Be Will Soon Be Feeling Baby Kicks Too

Smart bracelet sends vibrations

21 February 2017

Pic: The Fibo Bracelet, Fibo

Expectant fathers will soon be feeling their unborn baby's kicks in real time, via vibrations and sensations on their wrist. 

It's thanks to a smart bracelet being developed by some Danish engineers. 

The idea is for dads-to-be to experience the pregnancy process, so they feel less left out. 

As for how it works?

The mother wears a patch on her bump, and wireless signals will be sent to the father's Fibo bracelet. 

The Fibo, which is full of vibrating, rotating beads, will then send sensations to the dad, apparently mimicking the feeling of the baby's kicks. 

And when it's available?

There is no launch date just yet, but 'First Bond Wearables' is already showing off the invention, and claiming they'll have it on the market by 2018.