Cyclone & Story Safety Tips!

Be safe, not sorry

8 November 2019

In association with Tanks Direct - The Clean Water People

Living in the Tropics is paradise more often than not but there is a serious side to living in the North. It's important to prepare your family and home for cyclone and storm season. 

Here are our top 8 tips, brought to you by Tanks Direct - the clean water people: 

  • Act immediately When an official evacuation order is issued - if the authorities are telling you to evacuate it is for your own safety (and theirs!) We don't want them to risk themselves going back when it is more dangerous if we can avoid it. 
  • Prepare an emergency survival kit this should at the very least include a flashlight with extra batteries, basic tool kit, gloves, battery power radio with extra batteries, range of non perishable food items, bottled water, whistle, important documents that are hard to replace, clothing and footwear, medication and sanitation items, Powerbank and mobile phone and gas burner. 
  • Check your insurance cover - ensuring you are covered for storm surge, flooding, cyclone damage including clean up and debris removal etc
  • Learn you areas evacuation routes and shelter location 
  • Consider how you will look after your pets and a plan if you need to leave them behind. Note that some evacuation centres accept animals 
  • Keep friends, family and neighbours aware of your whereabouts so they are not alerting authorities where it is not necessary
  • Educate your household on your plan and where your emergency kit is so everyone is prepared. This will help to keep everyone calm too.