Council Develops New Community Event Guidelines As A Community Resource

Available on Council's website

29 October 2020

A comprehensive new events toolkit has been developed by Council to assist the community when planning events within the Leeton Shire.

In a report to Council, Council’s Events and Cultural Services Coordinator, Sues Vos, said Council’s event team identified a need to develop a new single resource for the community to help them to navigate the event planning process and how to communicate with various Council departments on event requirements and best practice.

“While Council encourages community groups and organisations to take ownership of their events, Council staff also understand the challenges and questions that sometimes arise from community members when running events,” said Sues Vos.

“Planning an event can be an overwhelming experience that requires a lot of preparation and hard work. “We hope that the new community events guidelines we’ve developed will be helpful in assisting community members with the overall event planning process,” said Sues Vos.

The Guidelines outlines several areas for local event organisers to consider. This includes information on how Council can assist with events, applications and approval processes, the importance of developing sound documentation and systems to monitor finance and budget and the need for clear and detailed event plans.

Also included in the document is helpful information on best practice for promoting an event, risk assessment and risk management considerations/documentation, exploring grant funding opportunities and avenues that may exist for an event, contingency event planning and post event evaluation methods.

Cr Paul Smith congratulated Council staff on development of the Community Events Guidelines and encourages those planning events in the community to access this valuable resource. The Community Events Guidelines will be available on Council’s website

For queries, please contact Council’s Events and Cultural Services Coordinator, Sues Vos, on (02) 6953 0911. 

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