Christmas Music Can Have Negative Effects On Your Mental Health

Back up on the Bublé

8 November 2017

Amy Drew

Whether you love it or hate it, turns out an overload of Christmas music can mean bad news for our brains.

Research has found that listening to the catchy tunes too much can disrupt a person's focus and generate stress, especially if you're spending all of your energy trying not to hear it.

"It might make us feel that we're trapped - it's a reminder that we have to buy presents, cater for people and organise celebrations," UK Psychologist Linda Blair told Sky News.

The festive music is also more likely to irritate people if it's played too loudly or too early in the year.

But despite the negative effects those Christmas favourites can have on us, they're doing wonders for the retail industry. Research has shown the music, paired with festive scents can actually make shoppers feel happier in a store and are therefore more likely to make purchases.