Chompers Recalls The Time He Copped The Ultimate Chomping From His Wife

"Don't smile!"

5 June 2020

Ethan Meldrum

Image: Channel 9

Poor old Tony Jones has copped all sorts of blowback about his chompers - but they all pale in comparison to one of the first ones he ever received.

Jones joined Triple M's Rush Hour with JB & Billy and gave the guys a ripping story about some feedback offered to him by his wife in the earliest days of the chompers, when they first emerged on the scene.

"I remember when I first got them done," he told Triple M.

I was doing something live somewhere. I'd just had the first two done. I said 'thanks Pete, coming up after the break, blah blah blah' and we ran into an ad break. 

"I never check my phone...just instinctively I put my hand in my pocket and grabbed my phone.

"I had two missed calls from my wife, and I thought 'oh shit, who's died?'"

So he called one had died.