Check Out This Bloke Entering A World Of Pain Eating The World's Hottest Chilli

The "Reaper" Claims Another Victim

6 March 2018

Matt Bellotti

Who doesn't love seeing a bloke doubled over in pain, crying, puking the insides of his mouth out and generally being dominated by a tiny - but bloody powerful - chilli pepper?

In this case, Angus Cohen is the poor bastard who put a 2 million scoville (the unit for measuring spicy heat) pepper into his mouth.

But at least Angus had a good cause. It was the final stage in a countdown of the hottest peppers on the scoville scale, culminating in the dreaded 'Carolina Reaper" to raise awareness for M.E. (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis).

Angus starts the video by talking about the many celebrities who suffer from M.E. aka Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, of which is a sufferer.

And in this video he is literally a sufferer and he takes down the California Reaper (starting at 8.10 if you really have to skip). Can you stomach watching? Can he handle the heat...? No. Obviously. It gets real painful real fast. Watch and enjoy:


Follow Angus Cohen's suffering from start to finish on the hashtag #MEChilliChallenge