Cathy Freeman Shares Her Pride At Being Australian And "A Product Of This Amazing Country Of Ours"

"We're all on the same team"

11 September 2020

Matt Bellotti

Olympic Champion and Aussie legend Cathy Freeman caught up with Mick and Jane today on a very emotional show. 

Jane had already gone the blub before she spoke with Cathy about how special it was to be in the stadium to watch her incredible race that many believe was the greatest moment in Australian sporting history. 

Cathy shared how she felt at that moment and what we can expect from the new documentary, which airs this weekend on the ABC, telling her amazing story. 

Jane has seen the doco and couldn't recommend it too highly. She feels it's the story we need right now, especially parts of the country still in lockdown who need all the hope and inspiration they can get. 

"Yeah, we're all on the same team, in that Australia has gifted us so many opportunities," Cathy reminded us. "I'm very much a product of this amazing country of ours."

Cathy, Mick and Jane had a big laugh about the fear that went through Cathy and her Mum when she was lighting that famous cauldron. And Mick wished he had put a bit more effort into training when Cathy told him that the feeling of winning a gold medal was like "tasting every type of ice cream all at once."

Listen to the full chat below. And don't forget to watch 'Freeman' this Sunday at 7.40pm on the ABC and iView.