CATASTROPHIC WARNING - What does It Mean And What To Do Now?


11 November 2019

Jack Bingham

What is Happening?

Tuesday 12th November has been given a Catastrophic rating for fire danger.

There are currently more than 130 bushfires are burning in NSW, three lives have been lost and over 150 properties destroyed. Conditions are set to worsen.

Anthony Clarke from RFS spoke to Tanya & Steve this morning and warned that these fires WILL threaten lives and WILL threaten more homes

Listen to the full conversation here

What Does it Mean?

This catastrophic rating isn't used lightly and it's the first time it has been issued since introduced

Here is how the RFS defines the rating.


What to do now?

First and foremost the RFS is saying "Act Now"

Do you know your plan? Advise from Anthony Clarke from RFS is that we haven't seen the worst of these conditions and homes are not built to withstand fires like these.

If you live in an area with any kind of risk, make arrangements to be out of your home and get to a populated area or nearby city until you know it is safe to return.


There are lots of resources available for keeping up to date or checking whether you are in a dangerous area

Check the current rating at your location HERE

Check for fires near you HERE 

Does your fire plan hold up? CHECK HERE

Keep Up to date with @NSWRFS on twitter for latest updates