Captain Paul Braved Live Radio To Tell The World: "I've Got Bowel Cancer"

The conversation everyone has to hear

23 August 2019


Our Captain Paul has been off work for a few weeks and this morning, he bravely revealed on live radio that he has bowel cancer.

As you'll hear, he, like all of us, was completely shocked by the news.


The whole office is completely rocked by Paul's news, but we can't thank him enough for choosing to tell his story to Perth so that every one of our listeners treats the free bowel cancer kit that we all receive in the post once we turn 50 with the respect it clearly deserves.

Pauly continued to tell us how he's going to fight this and ended up getting a call from a listener who herself fought cancer... it's fair to say it got a little misty eyed in the studio.


We're urging everyone that is past 50 and hasn't done the test to head to the Bowel Cancer website for more information on how and what to do.

We can't thank you enough Captain for your bravery and here's to beating this horrific disease! Perth is right behind you Captain Paul.


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Written by: @dantheinternut