Cannabis Must Fill the Codeine Gap

Is this the answer?

1 February 2018

Prescription only rules for codeine came into effect yesterday leading Liberal Democrats Senator David Leyonhjelm to call on the Federal Government to quit dithering and cut the red tape preventing thousands of Australians suffering chronic pain from accessing medicinal cannabis.


“It has now become a matter of urgency that seriously ill patients obtain access to an effective and safe alternative,” Senator Leyonhjelm said.

“If the Federal Government cannot remove the bureaucratic barriers doctors are currently facing when trying to legally administer medicinal cannabis, the black market for products such as codeine-based pain killers will flourish.”

“It’s time for Federal and state bureaucrats to get over their blinkered ideological opposition to medical marijuana and put the needs of chronically and terminally ill Australians first,” Senator Leyonhjelm said.

“Sanctimonious ‘caution’ and bureaucratic restriction by stealth must no longer stand in the way of compassion and common human decency.”