Bundy Pub & Hotel in Fire Emergency

Emergencies & volunteers quick to help

21 July 2020

Queensland Police

Distressing news for Bundaberg locals to wake up to as beloved pub The Spotted Dog Tavern and Federal Backpackers buildings caught on fire last night.

All inside the buildings were safely evacuated, with 62 backpackers now without a home.

Emergency services were on the scene at 11pm Tuesday night to tend to the flames which began in the tavern kitchen.

9 News Reporter Ben Wilmott and Acting Chief Superintendent Rick Tenthy filled in the details:

From businesses who have given so much to their community, the Bundy spirit has already come out in droves to help those affected by the fire.

At the time of publication, the below initiatives have been created:

Studio 202 are running a clothing & blanket drive

Angels Community Group are providing shelter for backpackers