Brown Cardigan's Wrap-Up Of 2019's Heavy Hitters Is Three Minutes Of Pure Gold

Not behd.

3 January 2020

Brown Cardigan/ YouTube

They may have spent part of 2019 locked in a battle with Instagram but that didn't stop Australia's favourite Instagram account from turning out pure gold all year.

And now Brown Cardigan have published their Heavy Hitters wrap-up, highlighting the everyday heroes that gave us a whole new set of cultural milestones over the last 12 months.

From the "Not behd, good soize" guy to the bloke bowling a perfect jaffer in New York, we have no doubt you've been sent one, if not all, of these clips by your mates.

But here they are, collected in one place for the first time, by the good people at Brown Cardigan.


It's a fitting way to end the year for Brown Cardigan, who found themselves deleted from Instagram in September after a crackdown on meme pages by the social media juggernaut.

“As many of you would already know, @browncardigan was officially removed from Instagram on September 12th, 2019," a statement on their website read.

"This happened against our will and without prior warning from Instagram. We are yet to receive any formal notification from Instagram as to why this has happened."

Luckily for Australia, the account was reinstated by September 14th, and hasn't looked back since; here's to another 12 months of ridiculous content.

If you enjoyed that, why not take a trip down memory lane with Triple M's decade in review?