Bloke Gets Messy At Buck's Party, Wakes Up With Sunglasses Tattooed Onto His Face


3 November 2017

Ryan Warren

There's no doubt that buck's parties can be fairly large affairs, prone to some drunken disasters.

Well, a bloke in the UK has taken it to another level - waking up after a friends buck's party in Blackpool with a pair of Ray Ban sunglasses tattooed onto his face.

"I had no memory of getting the tattoo because I had gone out celebrating and it happened when I was drunk," the unnamed 56-year-old from Swansea, Wales told the Daily Mail.

"Waking up the morning after, I thought someone had used a permanent marker on my face. When I first came home, obviously I was subject to a lot of stares, but I kind of got used to the tattoo and decided not to get rid of it."

He originally planned to keep the tattoo but changed his mind after someone mocked him while he was on another night out in the pub.

"The next morning I really started to think about what my family and friends thought," he said. "I didn't want them to be embarrassed when they were out with me, so I decided there and then I was going to get it removed."

He has spent two years getting laser treatment to remove the tattoo that the laser clinic has dubbed "the worst tattoo we have ever seen".