BILLY'S GREATEST JOKES EVER | #7: The Big Boobed Organist


21 January 2021

Ethan Meldrum

Image: Triple M

One of Billy's wildest jokes ever - and one of JB's funniest reactions - comes in at number seven!

Billy capped off the Rush Hour with JB & Billy in 2019 with this joke outta nowhere about an organ player named Susan.

"A small church had a very attractive, big-bosomed organist, Jim, named Susan," he said.

"...Yes," JB replied.

Fair to say JB had no idea the joke would be this good!

Catch number 6 in Billy's Greatest Jokes Ever at 12pm Friday exclusively on the Triple M App, or later than night across the Rush Hour socials!

BILLY'S GREATEST JOKES EVER | #7: The Big Boobed Organist

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