Bec And Jay, The Aussies Trapped In Mexico, Give Us Update... From Melbourne!

They're Home!

7 September 2020

Matt Bellotti

The hearts of Melbourne went out to Bec Patton and Jay Morrow recently when we heard the story of how they went to Mexico for treatment for Jay's aggressive cancer, only to be trapped there and unable to get back home to see their kids and family.

Thanks to the media spotlight and running the story on Triple M's Hot Breakfast, an anonymous benefactor called up Eddie McGuire and told Bec and Jay she would fund their trip home immediately.

It was one of the most heart-warming stories we've ever told and probably our favourite moment of 2020.

So, this morning we checked in on Bec and Jay for an update... live from Melbourne!

Yes, they are back home. Listen to how they're going here:


In case you missed the original story and the moment they heard they weren't trapped anymore, here is the video: